Thursday, November 29, 2007

Heating; Kitchens; Gas; Water; Planning Issues; and a Roof

Roy is grappling with the question of how to control the heat pump system. This involves talking to about four different people: Mary, two separate heat pump specialists, and Alistair Fraser (about which more very soon). It seems a good idea to be able to turn off the floor heating in places where it is not always necessary: for example, in the sitting room when the stove is on and in the study when it is being a bedroom. It is fairly important to do this as a heat recovery system is essentially just another way of heating your house with electricity - not the cheapest of fuels; though, if properly generated, one of the least damaging to the planet. But control involves taps or switches - those things that tend to go wrong on radiators every autumn. Anyway, he is dealing with it.

The real news is that, in the course of conversation with Alistair, he discovered that we very nearly have a roof. What a surprise. Although I have been intellectually aware that things must be moving on in their own mysterious way, it is hard to believe, when the only pictures to keep looking at are the ones we took nearly a month ago.

I have been using a couple of days away from court to think more about kitchen furniture. I rather dislike Units and things made of chipboard; and we felt that the estimate provided by Mary's kitchen designers was perhaps a little pricey for what is, really, a pis aller; but it is quite hard to come up with an alternative that will look right in this very simple and undecorated house. So I have a fairly nice plan from Jonathan Avery, a very expensive one from Plain English, some ideas related to Magnet kitchens, and a fallback involving Ikea. Today I am going to speak again to Real Wood Kitchens. I feel I ought to be able to find a wonderful local joiner, but so far that hasn't happened.

As for other matters: I have started to wonder if Alistair has remembered to make a channel for the gas pipe; so after waking up in the middle of the night a couple of times I have rather shamefacedly asked Mary's assistant Robert to put my mind at rest. Now I have started wondering about the air vent for the stove; but I haven't had the nerve to tell him about that yet.

And finally, I am still trying not to think about the planning issue. As reported (I think), we are having to get the planning application amended to deal with the change of location. Or at least that is what we originally thought we would have to do. But it turns out that we needed a whole new application. So we are doing that terrible thing: building without planning permission. Diana sucked her teeth and sounded tremendously doubtful when I told her. Mary says it should be all right, even if it means going to appeal. We will know sometime in the New Year. Taking the long view, perhaps it is just another of those things that take a couple of years off one's life and give one something to tell people about afterwards. A little positive thought from everyone might help, though.

Oh - and the water men have not come yet. I am a bit loath to predict evil, but this may be the next thing to worry about.


Anonymous said...

I can give no comments ( positive or otherwise) about planning applications ( that will have to come from family's architect, engineer and councillor) so to take your mind off it; my decree nisi was granted yesterday ( should get it in writing soon) so can apply for absolute in the New Year. Perhaps if I change my surname, that will stop the Russian gangsters applying for bank loans in my name. I have therefore failed in all three of my 2007 New Year resolutions- get divorced, lose three stone and re-decorate house.

Cecilia said...

Should we start voting on Kate's new surname? Going back to Meredith would be too boring, wouldn't it? On the other hand, even to deter gangsters, changing one's name at all is surely a horrible chore: the bank, the NHS, one's employer, all one's email addresses, building societies. subscriptions to magazines, educational establishments.

As far as redecorating the house goes, why not throw a party and we will all come and help? Just put all your furniture in a heap in the garden or into one room. I will even bring my own paintbrush.

Anonymous said...

K could go Icelandic and be Annsdottir which is rather chic

the Archers are planning to do interesting things with waste and methane from cows to produce energy - won't help K but might be a way of making C's heeland cattle heat the floors without skinning them to make rugs

Janet said...

For a small fee, I can supply you with a fullish list of family surnames.

For starters, in light of the Scottish independence issue, you might like to consider one of the Scottish ones.

Leys, Gordon, Fleming, Coutts, Ogg (not sure about Ogg!!) Kate Coutts would be a bit odd sounding.