Friday, May 02, 2008

There Are Always Things To Decide

We put a few questions to Mary after our last visit - the kitchen lights, the shower seat; and she did one of her visits last week to sort some of these things out. The lights are to be put in their proper place over the island bench; there is to be an oily air extractor over the hob, not just somewhere random in the kitchen. (This is so that Nibe doesn't choke.)

The piece of mahogany that we offered for the shower seat has been reviled, spurned and threatened with immolation. I have stamped my tiny feet and waved my tiny fists and insisted on a proper bench, not a flimsy hinged thing, ready-made. People who work with wood are just going to have to run along and find the necessary wood, even to the extent of flattening a rain forest. I have now got to the stage where I Do Not Care.

Mary is apparently having to make her opinions known to Alistair about the colour of the walls and also about something that has been done not quite right with the wood cladding on the south side. She won't tell me what it is. I do not want to know; that is what architects are for.

The latest question relates to the wall tiles in the shower room - should they be the same dark greenish grey as the floor? Mary thinks yes; I think no. If anyone has any views, could they let me know soon? What we have in the specifications is off white matt tiles in a nice big size.

Mary says the staircase is done. She has started to wonder how the south side is to be landscaped - one of my longstanding preoccupations. How about a pond outside the sitting room?

We are off to Runival again tomorrow, so there will be more pictures at the beginning of next week.


Livia said...

I think white tiles. Too much grey green otherwise.

Why not buy a teak bench and then get the joiner to take it to bits and use the wood to make the bench you want. Seems straightforward to me...

Anonymous said...

pale tiles i loved beside the shady loch...

(from Isabella)

do ponds plus scotland equal midges

(from Frightened Englishwoman)

Cecilia said...

Re ponds - no they are for mosquitoes not midges. In fact, replacing bog by loch would decrease the midge-space.

When I mentioned something along the lines of take a bench apart, or even reconfigure a duckboard, Mary and the joiner became all tight lipped.