Tuesday, September 30, 2008



Anonymous said...

OOh it has a commentary this time! What is that eerie keening in the back ground- is it the mournful souls of displaced crofters?

Cecilia said...

To you, and to all my legal so-called friends who try to rattle me by mentioning crofts: IT WAS NEVER A CROFT. I can't imagine what was being discussed upstairs. I think I was outside and the others were looking at the paint finish.

Janet said...

Have got a distinction in my MSc, and been recommended for a prize. So will now be charging double for any consultations on road matters.

Cecilia said...

Oh, vvg Janet. Sorry, family rates still apply. Now you can start being an ordinary person again, will you send me your infants' feet measurements? Or do they not want socks from dear aunt? (Isaac does; and I have always thought he might be rather choosy.)

Janet said...

It's on my list of things to do at half term - which starts tomorrow. Also need to book tree surgeon, visit parents, take children to dentist,take junk to the tip, take stuff to Oxfam, order Christmas cards, visit Alton Towers, see High School Musical 3.....

Janet said...

Not to mention sorting problem on my laptop and sorting out Broad band.