Monday, November 16, 2009

More gardening works

The wood is beginning to shut down for the winter. The bracken is already looking dusty rather than vivid, except when the sun is shining directly onto it. There are very few leaves left on anything other than a few birches. Contrary to what we read somewhere recently, the oaks actually lost their leaves before the birches. I hope this doesn’t mean something bad about their health

I am full of foreboding about the plants we got from Abriachan and put in with so much hope. The meconopses lasted for quite a while looking fresh; but they are now chewed. Some things seem to have completely disappeared; and although one expects this of herbaceous plants in the autumn, one does not expect it of azaleas. The olearia macrodonta has despairingly dropped all its leaves, which the bush in the St Andrews garden will hold until spring. (I hope you understand my subordinate clause.) But on the bright side, the sempervivums and the lavender planted in the scree appear to be untouched, although there is a clear deer path running along the top of the bank, just above them..

I am not sure whether it is deer or the condition of the soil that has done these things. The deer are easy to blame, and are clearly responsible for some of the havoc; but peat is a drowning medium and I now think I ought to have put more grit in with the plants. They may well have simply no oxygen around their roots.

So I now have two projects: to get a few tonnes of grit from the quarry and to fence the parts I am going to garden. This is not a large area: around Klarg; just beside the gravel outside the kitchen windows; and to the east behind where the shed will be.

Until our visit by the local fencer we were considering whether to electrify at least the bit near the house, and perhaps some small areas in the wood, for regeneration as suggested by Graham Tuley, as the wires are less visible than proper deer fences and much cheaper to erect. Apparently, electric fences can keep out red deer, unless they are galloping, in which case they simply run through the wires hardly noticing the shock. Roe deer, on the other hand, having smaller feet, do not earth the electricity so well; so the fences are not so good against them. We have mostly red deer, so we are willing to try electricity. But we have now been told by the fencer, who admits he doesn’t do the electric stuff, that it tends to short out with damp vegetation in these damp parts, and needs constant patrolling.

We are still thinking about the idea of herding the deer away from parts that are interesting to us, whilst allowing them through the wood so that they can shelter there in bad weather. One thing we are trying is discouraging them with roses. We have brought some rosa rugosa suckers that we dug out of our front garden, which they were invading from next door, last weekend. They have been planted in an artful snaky line roughly parallel to the drive, near the top end, across a deer track which I think is the way, or one of the ways, the deer get onto the drive. I have no idea if the roses will survive the move or even if they will survive experimental browsing, or whether the deer will simply sneer at them. They are pretty prickly, so eating may not be their fate. The fencer thinks nothing short of a full-blown deer fence will keep deer out, once they have a taste for being in.

He came at 8.30 on Saturday. There was a certain amount of shaking of the head about the terrain and the fact that what we want is a renovation job, essentially, with not much new work. We are agreed that we should have deer fence strainers put in wherever there is work to be done, even in ordinary stock fences. We need a proper pair of strainers at the new gap in the middle fence; a replacement strainer at the top fence where the middle fence joins it, and a good solid main entrance gate and strainers there to hoick up the twiddly collapsed wires that Ursula found so pretty in the air frost last New Year.

We may be able to afford a new fence running transversely just down the hill to the south of the house, and then turning and going back up to the road. This will slightly spoil ma’s favourite view; but it will help with the introduction of Alien Garden Plants from Abriachan into quite a wide area. Graham Tuley and the chaps at Scottish Native Woodlands will disapprove; but I will undertake not to introduce rhododendron ponticum, Japanese knotweed or Himalayan balsam.

There is not even the slightest chance that any serious fence person would get to grips with the idea of small exclusion areas to help little bits of regeneration. So will all members of the family and those who would like the odd holiday here now please start exercising their biceps. The priority is to do something to protect the knee high oaks.

As for grit: we went to Alexander Ross’s quarry at Daviot on Friday - quite a long drive along the road to the south and east of Loch Ness, almost as far as the A9. The quarry is staffed by lovely men with beautiful Highland accents but few words. One says, “Hello, I am the person who has been bothering you daily about horticultural grit. Can we have some?” And they smile sweetly and say not a word for several minutes until, not at all sure of the conversational rules, one ventures an enquiry about where one might find it. We were eventually directed, in an admittedly friendly silence, to a fairly small heap of 6mm grit beneath one of the pipes on legs amidst the muddy puddles in the middle of the quarry, with legions of lorry behemoths crashing past us through the puddles, carrying the really serious stuff off to seriously manly engineering operations; and were told we could take whatever the car could carry. Thank goodness it was a bashed up old Volvo and not something effete. It was assumed that we would not manage as much as a tonne, and we were charged the standard minimum price for anything less than that, which is laughably cheap. We felt very pleased that we had enough understanding of how these things work to have taken our own shovel and bulkbag.

With the grit, I have planted some narcissus lobularis up near where the gate will be. Yes, I know daffs are naff when planted in groups by gates; but there you are. It took me an hour to plant sixty of them before it got too dark to be sure if they were upside down or not. The rest were done the next morning in the rain. I have one of those natty bulb planters, with a nifty little lever thing that makes the circular cutter wider in order to let the plug of earth drop out, if the earth in question is not too sticky and full of roots and things. So it is really a machine, as Roy says. It works very well in places where the existence of grass shows that there is at least some earth; but I struggled foolishly in places that are essentially pure moraine and builders’ rubble. Still, I got it down to a routine: screw down hard on the planter to remove the plug; put in a little heap of grit, a bit of chicken shit and the bulb; and replace the plug.

The other project was planting 100 gladiolus byzantinus. Christopher Lloyd says they go well in rough grass but I think he had something different in mind from what we have here, so I planted them on the scree slope on the north front. This proves, in fact, to be an ingenious heap of rather large stones clothed variously in peat and scree and with, in places, a worrying core of what looks as if it might be unused building sand and the swillings from a concrete mixer. So I spent an hour scrambling around a forty five degree slope with a spade, hauling out boulders and digging out some of the rushes that had been imported with the peat. I got a couple of dozen bulbs planted in the afternoon before the rain became too insistent and the rest done the following morning. I wonder if they will come up, or if I should have paid more attention to the advice on one website which is that they should be lifted for the winter.
Where the bodies are buried
The other thing that happened was that Roy started digging over the area to the south and east of the decking, at the top of the slope there, that will become a sitting out lawn. I have only just been told that this is his plan; but I concur. Quite a lot more digging to do, and the incorporation of lots of grit and humus.


Livia said...

The sitting-out lawn, where the inhabitants of the property kindly line themselves up to feed the local midge population...

Cecilia said...

Anointed with Skin So Soft, draped in midge nets, in a midge tent, under the influence of a midge destructor, when it is windy, when it is brightly sunny.

Janet said...

We are not allowed to use strained wire fencing anymore to protect newly planted areas on the highway (verges and central reservations - not carrigeway!). Ever since someone practically decapitated themselves on some, and fell in front of a lorry. I can't remember all of the gory details, but BCC ended up in court and Ed had a lot of explaining to do.

Janet said...

Deer probably more robust than humans.

Cecilia said...

And can be eaten when decapitated.

Cecilia said...

So what cunning ways do you have of protecting your plants?

Janet said...

Actually, we can't afford plants these days, and it's more likely to just be grass. We can't afford the land-take, so likely to be narrow central strip rather than something with fancy planting. Also, roundabouts not so large these days. We used to make them big enough so that we could put a flyover through in the future. Not allowed to do that now. That meant we used to have a wider reservation to allow for the flyover as well. Now putting traffic signals on the roundabouts instead.

Just as well I switched to Maintenance really. Maintenance used to be the Cinderella service, but now it's "Asset Management".

Livia said...

I think that what would reduce deer Throughput is to put a gate in the gap in the middle fence and deer-proof that stretch. This would then mean that they can't use the area near the house as a Route from one side of the estate to the other, and would go elsewhere. As long as you have a nice gap for them to go through, they will go through it.

Janet said...

How well do this lot jump? The ones at Stagenhoe always seemed to be quite good at jumping hedges and fences to get off the estate and onto the road.Sometimes landing on cars!

Esther said...

have you thought of constructing a flyover to take the deer over the property?

of course what we really want are some forcefields

Livia said...

I don't think I'd like to try forcing fields onto the land. I mean, Cecilia's said that Roy's trying to eke out a lawn and that sounds like pretty hard work for just a few square meters.

Cecilia said...

We can't have a flyover as we haven't got a roundabout, as should be clear even to the citified.

If deer land on our car, they will certainly be eaten.

It is indeed our intention to deerproof the middle fence; but also to put a new fence running back from it up to the road, roughly along the route of the failed first attempt at a drive. This is because the deer have a three-lane deerway coming apparently straight from Poulary, across the burn, and ending up on our drive. I didn't actually track it back, but it was certainly coming from that direction. If they keep on coming that way, and they just sneer at the cunning rose fence, there will be nothing to stop them sauntering in, eating everything to the west of the middle fence, sauntering out again and into the other part of the land some other way. I am now into preparing-a-fortified-emplacement mode.

Any gardening is pretty forced there, I think. But the other sort of force field might be fun if we could stop it getting shorted out by damp bracken. Also, very long ago I thought that tape recordings of lions roaring and wolves howling might be effective.

I wonder why my cunningly placed reference to ABRIACHAN didn't stimulate another comment by the proprietrix, whom I Look Forward To Meeting And Getting To Know. (And I wonder if she can tell me if there are any gunnera for sale in these islands yet.)

Janet said...

WE used to have a flyover without a roundabout in Birmingham. It was on Camp Hill, and was temporary, which meant it was in place for about 30 years. Once Lynette drove onto it in a November fog when she had taken a wrong turning after collecting Kate (?) from New St station, and she thought she was driving into a pedestrian subway. Now sadly this wonderful structure is no more.

Janet said...

She was not approaching it from the direction shown in photo which is quite clearly nothing like a subway.

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Esther said...

why did she want to drive into a pedestrian subway? i always thought Lynette was quite normal for a member of our extended clan

Janet said...

It was very thick fog, and she didn't want to drive down a pedestrian subway. In fact, she didn't want to be on that road at all, but had taken a wrong turning.

Kate said...

I remember that . It was dark and as we went higher we were completely surounded by fog and couldn't see the ground or anything. We were convinced we must have driven up onto some kind of building site and were about to fall off the end at any minute

Kate said...

By the way- my team managers were very impressed by the Birmingham City Council road death target system and have decided to introduce a similar policy.

Cecilia said...

Um. Oh; OK. They have been trying to increase their hit rate and may now introduce wire fences.

What I want to know from Janet is why anyone would want fences if they have nothing to protect from deer.

Janet said...

To stop humans from taking shortcuts through our landscape design before it is established. They may not eat the plants, but hundreds of Blues supporters on a Saturday afternoon can do a fair amount of damage without trying very hard.

Cecilia said...

So what do you do? Plant very prickly hedges? But how do you protect them until they grow? Why not just make paths?

Janet said...

We don't do such fancy schemes these days. I can't think of any that have been done lately. More likely just to be trees and grass.

Cecilia said...

I would quite like to design a vandal-resistant public planting scheme. Awesome huge tall grass (not pampas grass but one of the other tough and tall ornamental grasses); very spiny roses (rugosa, spinosissima - though that has been renamed); very large Venus flytraps,with teeth; gunnera. I am being a bit sleepy and so I can't come up with some really interesting things but if anyone has any suggestions...

Janet said...

We were originally going to have a bog garden in the middle of the roundabout, but that never happened. It is now a small copse instead (this was planted in 1990), someone could live there for sometime without being spotted. Rather like the tramp (now sadly deceased) that used to live on the Wolverhampton Ring Road.

Janet said...

Refering back to Kate's post, we don't have a target number of deaths in RTAs anymore, but a % reduction on the number of deaths in the previous year.
It was slightly worrying that we might have to go out and kill someone if we happened to be under our target. But I pointed this out a few years ago, and it got amended.

Cecilia said...

Obviously a killjoy lot in Brum. I remember references to the bog feature some time ago but I had not realised it was intended to suck unwary trespassers down.

Livia said...

I was skim-reading and noticed that Janet's lot had planted a small corpse. Like the tramp. It occurred to me to wonder why you were burying tramps on roundabouts before it occurred to me that I might have misread it...

Janet said...

The bog garden was going to require a layer of puddle clay (left over from the canal works maybe), but was never laid. It was going to require regular soaking to keep it boggy, and they decided they couldn't afford to put the tap in that would be required. Some complicated agreement would have been required with Severn Trent Water.

Ursula Martin said...

In Wapping they are experimenting with wild flower meadows in some of the parks and green areas by the canal. They look lovely for a couple of weeks and after that ....

Cecilia said...

I have heard that before about wildflower meadows. The ground needs constant impoverishing. Perhaps Brum should commission catastrophe art: devastation; acres of brickbats: post-apocalypse cityscapes. Or how about this: PAY a tramp to live there (shades of an eighteenth century faux hermit) to infest the place, swear at people, in the manner of the beggars in the Pratchett books?

Janet said...

The tramp was a bit of a tourist attraction before he finally passed on. The only problem was that members of the local Sikh community kept leaving him food which he didn't like. This rather encouraged rats. His favourite was fish and chips.

Cecilia said...

Rats no problem - all part of the post-modern devastation. And Foul Ole Ron and the Duck Man in Pratchett ate rats didn't they?

Esther said...

ma suggests lion poo as deer repellent, not sure about local sources