Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Life indoors when it's cold outside

We (R&C&Andrew&me) spent New Year at the Wood, with a friendofparents (Ursula) who came on Sunday.

The weather had changed from cold/snowy to cold/wet/grey so there wasn't a lot of attraction to the great outdoors (except see previous post). R did a lot of log-chopping outside and C dragged some logs back from a fallen birch, but apart from that we mostly enjoyed the views from safely inside, in the lovely warm house.

I knitted, C did some obsessive-sudoku-marathon, Andrew did some Sudoku and some sleeping, C made bread, I read Bujold on my Kindle, Ursula turned up with not one but three Sunday papers and embroidered, we all ate too much (too many biscuits, cakes and chocolates left over from Christmas!) and then in the evening we lit the fire and talked.
Life indoors at New Year

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