Friday, August 29, 2008

Nearly at Practical Completion, we think

Just a handful of pictures from last Tuesday. It seemed that nothing else had been done since our last visit; though there are still some matters to clear up - the holes for wires down the backs of the shelves, squeezing the washing machine and the fridge freezer into their tiny spaces, fitting the Velux blinds, replacing TWO broken loo lids, tarmacking the entrance to the drive. The whole place is rather dusty and full of sawdust, waiting for the cleaners; but it could pretty much be lived in now.
The Wood
On Thursday we met Graham Moss there, the heat pump man; and he programmed the Nibe timer for us and began to explain how it is all controlled. We have sheaves of instruction manuals and he is expecting us to call him for explanations when we are in residence.

We need a working party to help saw logs. Any offers?


Esther said...

the shower controls look remarkably like the ones we had in our previous flat which jammed, snapped, fell off and COULD NOT BE REPLACED


Livia said...

We shall see...