Sunday, August 16, 2009

Photos from recent family visits

With Tris, Jackie & Liz


Ursula Martin said...

It looks like you were exploring the paths I went up at New Year, that ended up by the dam. The ones with mysterious groups of birches which it looks like the forestry commission tree planters had spared


Max said...

Best river name: "Allt na minion".

Livia said...

Funny story of how it got its name...

When the original site proved to be a bit bouncy (4m of peat), the new site was "just across the burn" (a bit of a dribble, but clear enough on the ground). So Mary-the-Architect went back to the office and told the Minion to re-do the planning application with the new house site "on the other side of the burn", however on Ordnance Survey the aforesaid burn does not exist, the next-most-Easterly burn being Allt na Slataich (which is right at the far end of the estate). The new plans were duly submitted to the council, and it was only spotted later that parentes had been granted planning permission to build on someone else's land, in the East forest! So the mini-burn that caused all the problems was named (by us) Allt na Minion in the minion's honour.

Kate said...

What is Allt na- river of?

Livia said...

More like a stream/burn.

Wendy said...

Hello I am the visitor that you met on your walk through Poulary and invited to tea. I am still following the blog with interest. It was our second stay at Poulary, we also stayed there in October when East poulary wood was nearing completion, although i had seen it many times on your blog which i had been following for months prior to our visit, I love the photographs. We cant wait for our next visit, sadly it wont be till next year. I must also say I apologise for not taking you up on your kind offer of tea.

Livia said...

Hi Wendy,
Thanks for your comment, and hope that you can come for tea next time you're visiting, if we're there.
I hope you've recovered from your midge-munching. The midges start to build up in May so if you time your trip to avoid the summer it might be less painful for you!