Friday, January 01, 2010

Notes for Those Interested in Dress

In ideal situations, there is a perfect correspondence between what one wants to wear and what the circumstances and convention determine that one should wear. My ideal place, as any fule kno, is one where one can wear night clothes all day long. And here, as well as at Another Place, this is possible.

So here is a list of the necessities: Tshirt nightdress or respectable pyjamas; sweater; long johns; and socks (but these are not really needed indoors when the floor is doing its thing). To go out, one adds wellingtons; and maybe some or all of the following: hat; coat; gloves; and scarf. Joy.


Janet said...

Rebekah manages perfectly well in night things all day here in Brum.

Janet said...

Rebekah has bought herself another pair of leggings today. Not sure whether for day or night time use.

Livia said...

I had a leggings phase once. Luckily I grew out of it before too many photos had been taken.

Cecilia said...

I have a pair that I never wore as going out of the house leggings (except at Another Place). But they do jolly well underneath things as long johns. Rebekah is a soulmate, clearly. (Unless she wears them on their own.)

Janet said...

I've not seen them yet so not sure how baggy /tight they are. They are 3/4 length, so I've said are not to be worn out. What footwear can you wear with 3/4 length things.

Cecilia said...

Ugg boots, biker boots, clogs, flip flops, Converse trainers with the laces undone, wellies, ballet pumps if you must but they are a bit passe (well, so are Uggs, actually). Where have you been?

Cecilia said...

Oh and ordinary plimsolls. No problem wearing them to go out, so long as they have something bottom-covering on top, such as a floaty frock and a cardigan or a sweater dress. There is a rather fetching sweater dress for babies, by Gap, that Cami has and that would do rather well over leggings. Oh, and a thick leather belt - loose and sloppy over the hips, not waist-constricting.

Janet said...

We discovered that our local schoolwear shop stocks black and white pairs of plimsolls up to size 10; so R stocked up on these last summer. Not big enough for me sadly :(

Esther said...

could you get me a pair size 9?

Cecilia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cecilia said...

(I deleted the previous one because of a spelling mistake.)

Before people start rushing out and making important style decisions on the basis of my say-so (not that anyone WOULD), can I say that I merely meant plimsolls are OK for those who wear leggings (or let's call them footless tights) with the right attitude? Monica Edwards's description of Mrs Briggs comes rather forcibly to mind when one considers anyone over, say, 50 and, say, size 14 wearing them. Though, now I come to think of it, they are jolly comfortable; and, actually, it is maybe the thought of them with a skirt (except with the above provisos) that repels. So ignore all the above (not that you wouldn't, anyway).

Janet said...

Esther: assuming that you want them anyway, and not because of anything Cecilia has written, do you want black or white?

Esther said...

black and I long ago gave up on C as a style guru !

Cecilia said...

Remember to wear them with Urban Crampons. I am definitely going to get a pair of those.

Kate said...

I am tempted; neither Blacks or Millets in Oxford sell these ( apparently because they would " sell too many")but I am managing very well with my soft topped apres ski boots which I got mainly for cycling. Oxford is knee deep in snow much to everyone's surprise as we don't normally get anything.I had to buy Isaac some boots this morning as his are at Towcester . Out team spent all morning trying to ring every one of our vulnerable tenants to check they are OK which seemed to be appreciated.

Cecilia said...

Are the apres ski boots a substitute for plimsolls or crampons?

Janet said...

Will see what I can do on the plimsoll front at the weekend. They don't always carry stock all year. They seem to expect everyone to buy school uniform in the summer hols, which is just when I don't want to buy it as you have to queue for ages in the shop.

Kate said...

I was thinking of the urban crampons. I avoid plimsolls and trainers as they make make my feet smell.

Cecilia said...

I bought a winter coat on Monday and I was jolly glad of it today. I think I am going to get fleecy boots AND crampons. Oh, and have I mentioned fleece trousers? I have a pair for wearing at the Wood - pyjamas for extreme conditions including wet and mud.