Friday, April 09, 2010

Flowers and a tree

These are the daffodils that were fortunately disdained by the deer. They are much smaller than they seem in this picture, and the patch of them is rather larger than this shows.

Over the past week, we have been taking apart a fallen tree that offends our view to the south. It has been reduced to a large pile of fairly useless twiggy bits, a pile of useful logs (not yet short enough to get into the stove), a fairly massive trunk about four feet high, which is rotten and will therefore be fairly easy to manage, and some rather nice horizontal branches and smaller bits of trunk, which are nice to sit on.


Janet said...

What daffodils?

Livia said...

These daffodils
(Photo added by the Thorntree Image Handling Consultancy)

Cecilia said...

I have just discovered that Nyssens sell this sort of daffodil at a very reasonable price. So if anyone wants to visit in September or so, they can be assured of hours of innocent pleasure planting 1000 of these. Janet?

Esther said...

according to the Royal parks department many years ago, you just toss them into the long grass. however, this raises the possibility of accidently (or should it be accidentally - why no spellcheckers on blogcomments?)training the deer to catch them

Ursula Martin said...

Very pretty, long may they remain off the deer menu

Cecilia said...

It is possible that the Royal Parks people have more money to play with, or easier soil, or something. We plant, and pray, and assist with fertiliser and grit.

Kate said...

In some parts I suspect they would just go plop

Janet said...

Will let you know on the visiting front as soon as I know whether I have a job! September sounds good if the children can cope without me :-)

Livia said...

What's happening with your job?

Livia said...

Oh and perhaps you could come up with Granny? She keeps saying she'd love to go to EPW.

Janet said...

Job runs out in June. PFI contract not yet signed; so can't sort out anything with contractor. Internal vacancy I wouldn't mind having, hasn't been advertised externally yet. Someone internal was interviewed last week, but I don't know whether they have been offered it or accepted it.

Janet said...

Can't commit to September until we know Rebekah's exam results. Revision has started, and we are counting down to exams in 5 weeks.

Kate said...

My tickets have arrived. I didn't get the deal that I had seen on the website but it seems reasonable ( £167 for 2 adults & 1 child return)and the return train had also shuffled about a bit ( same time but now don't need to change at York). Also couldn't book seats for the return journey for some reason but it sounded as though that was because they were not bookable rather than not available.(I realise this is a very small trip compared to the travelling the rest of the family gets up to but it is exciting for me!)

Cecilia said...

We appreciate the effort and hope that we can give you a good time.

Janet said...

Kate: Was that price with family railcard?

Kate said...

That price included the discount due to a family rail card .

Janet said...

I think that I normally only travel 1 adult and 3 children, which is what makes it seem high.