Friday, April 09, 2010

Some colour in a sere landscape

We saw a pair of most exciting-looking birds when two friends came to lunch last week. We are pretty sure they were crossbills of one sort or another: rosy red all over flashing between the trees just outside the window and then going off down the slope.

There are lots of chaffinches and generally twittery things; and the woodpecker is hammering away in various places. I saw something that may have been a sort of warbler when I was cutting wood a couple of days ago; but I didn't have my monocular and merely have an impression of quite a lot of black and white in horizontal stripes on the head, blackish swept back wings, and a slightly rosy rear underbelly. It had an unusual rapid call, definitely not a chaffinch.

I really need a series of tutorials on bird recognition.


Kate said...

We have had a chaffinch in the garden the last few days. I hope he finds a girl friend and sticks around. Problem is all the cats that swarm around the place .

Kate said...

Where are the cross bills I was promised?

Cecilia said...

No crossbills promised. You just have to look out for them yourself. One never has a camera to hand when one needs it.

Kate said...

I thought you said there was a photo somewhere?

Esther said...

there are some birds on the Heath which keep calling Ce-ceee-lia, Ce-ceee-lia! Anyone know what they are?

Cecilia said...

Just a few of my fans.